Denver, CO.
On a sunny afternoon, I was involved in a near-death accident involving a heavy metal pole that put my head between it and the ground! 36 hours later, I woke up in intensive care blind in one eye, loss of hearing in my opposite ear, numbness in my face, and loss of short term memory. The Doctor said TBI -brain injury. Also, a loss of balance (I found that out when I tried to get up.) Many months later, and lots of physical therapy, am doing better! John, who took on my case, and who said he understands brain injuries (& now I know it to be true), worked through several avenues to get me awarded a substantial amount of money. I would recommend to anyone having suffered a severe TBI (brain injury) like I did (or bodily injury not your fault) to talk with John Fuller. You will have access to reach him personally, just as I did and still do. He will, as he did for me, treat you as family. And above all, he will fight for you to get you everything you deserve for the injuries you have suffered. He did for me, Thanks, John! And words from my wife: A brain injury like my husband's is traumatic for everyone involved. Every aspect of our life was instantly turned upside down. And our case was complex...Insurance companies tried to pass liability to anyone else possible. John stepped in and stood up for us! He researched the details; put together a solid case; and held the insurance companies accountable. He explained every step of the process (and patiently re-explained when we forgot!) John let us lean on him for moral support in addition to the legal support.. and helped us pull our lives back together! We really do thank you, John!!